Secularize This

Friday, December 16, 2011

It's Okay to Say Takei

I for one am not the festive type come the holiday season.  Don't get me wrong, I will not turn down a glass of eggnog with my favorite drink of choice in it, but the modern day Christmas is anything but religious, it is all commercialized.  If your argument is that "we make the holiday what it is" then we've made it commercialized.  Look at all the frantic fanatic shoppers that hit the stores one month before that "sacred day" of December 25th; they are giving in to the ideology of the mighty dollar rather than the mighty myth.

That being said, tonight I attended the winter festival at my 9 year old's elementary school.  She is in the choir and had a performance.  I did the good parent thing and showed my support, and she did a great job.  There were a number of seasonal numbers that were performed ranging from Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer to Deck the Halls.  There is a line in Deck the Halls "Don we now our gay apparel" that was altered to "Don we now our bright apparel" all for one law; the "don't say gay" law in Tennessee.  This law essentially states that Tennessee public schools are not allowed to discuss homosexuality in grades K-8.  The backwards thinking of homophobic Bible thumpers that are making the laws for the land have now started censoring Christmas carols; the jingles that are to praise the joyous season, the birth of their savior Jesus Christ.

Keep in mind, this is the same General Assembly that passed a law that allows concealed firearms into bars (because we all know that mixing alcohol with guns is perfectly safe and the intoxicated individual is in a clear state of mind to make sound decisions) that also passed the "don't say gay" bill.  This Assembly has their priorities bass ackwards.  They are more concerned with the wrong 3 letter word that starts with the letter G. This is the approach the homophobic Right Wing of our society has, still possessing the thought that you can choose to be gay.  I will close this with a tribute to Christopher Hitchens; "If you gave Jerry Falwell an enema he could be buried in a matchbox" for it is the Christian extremists that are tending their flock and have control in our society that is driving it into the ground.

R.I.P Hitch

Friday, December 9, 2011

Who are the Real Threats?

I've been sitting on this for a few days now.  As many of you already know the Senate passed S. 1867, also known as The National Defense Authorization Act.  This has been getting a lot of attention because there is a section of this bill that some feel obliterates the Bill of Rights.  The section in question states that the battleground for the "War on Terror" is now on U.S. soil and the U.S. military now has the right to detain citizens indefinitely.

The 43rd President of these United States once said that "Any government that supports, protects or harbours terrorists is complicit in the murder of the innocent and equally guilty of terrorist crimes." and the definition of terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.  So, our elected officials are homegrown terrorists just like Timothy McVeigh & Terry Nichols.  93 senators took the Bill of Rights and used it to clean themselves after their morning constitutions.  I urge President Obama to sign this bill into law in hopes that the already irritated masses will rise and arrest the individuals on grounds of terror threats, for it is these individuals that are threatening our way of life.  We are the ones that keep electing the same people and this is what we get, more and more of our rights taken away.  Now is the time to take a stand, not when the you are forced to house and quarter soldiers.  We are in the 21st century and we are having a debate regarding laws that obliterate the cornerstone of our democracy, our inalienable rights.

Now is the time to open your eyes, remove your blinders and look at the world objectively.  For the masses that say that the United States is a Christian Nation, I pity you all.  It is your fundamental teachings that say through Christ you gain eternal life.  I personally do not follow this belief, there is so much unknown in this realm and the next.  We cannot stand for a police state to dissolve the foundation of a society in the guise of protection.  I would much rather die with my freedom rather than to be oppressed by mindless followers.  This is beyond socialism, this is fascism at its finest.  I call on Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine and John Locke and their philosophical beliefs to be restored.  My fellow countrymen, we cannot stand to be drowned in fear any longer.  We are stronger 330,000,000 strong that have given control of our laws to a total of 535 individuals in a city on the east coast.  Government is a necessary evil of any successful society but when that government becomes truly evil with its intentions it becomes a burden on society.  When an elephant gets too old to stay with the herd, it is left behind.  When a donkey is no longer useful to the farmer, it is disposed of.  November 6, 2012 is less than eleven months away, that is the time for our voices to be heard.